Teaser medium mock data
height: 358
width: 537
src: https://placehold.co/537x358
alt: Alternative text
id: '9'
- width: 537
height: 358
srcset: https://placehold.co/537x358
media: '(max-width: 35.5625rem)'
- width: 927
height: 618
srcset: https://placehold.co/927x618
media: '(min-width: 35.625rem) and (max-width: 59.9375em)'
- width: 604
height: 403
srcset: https://placehold.co/604x403
media: '(min-width: 60em) and (max-width: 79.9375em)'
- width: 600
height: 400
srcset: https://placehold.co/600x400
media: '(min-width: 80em)'